ඔබට අවශ්‍ය කවි වර්ගය singlish වලින් type කරන්න. (eg : kamath kavi, pal kavi, goyam kavi)


පැල් කවි (pal kavi)

People cultivate rice in paddy fields and vegetables, grains and others in ''hena''. Hena is a land away from the village, that cultivate vegetables and others. It's protected by strong fence.  In the night wild animals come to the ''hena'' and paddy fields and eat and destroy the crop. So farmers had to protect them at night. They build little hut called ''pala'', on the high tree in the middle of the ''hena'' or paddy field. Farmers stay at the ''hena'' in night and dispel wild animals. To avoid somnolence and loneliness they recite these poems loudly.


  1. Very good effort, when Sinhalese getting forgotten our own culture.

  2. Very good effort, when Sinhalese getting forgotten our own culture.
